TypeScript – How to fix Type ‚null‘ is not assignable to type readonly


How to fix Type ‚readonly Book[] | null‘ is not assignable to type ‚readonly Book[]‘.
Type ‚null‘ is not assignable to type ‚readonly Book[]‘
in NgRx Walkthrough tutorial


NgRx Walkthrough tutorial.

The walkthrough tutorial demonstrates the key concepts of the store to manage the state and how the user can add and remove items from the collection within an Angular component. 

An example of the error


[books]="books$ | async"

Error: Type ‚readonly Book[] | null‘ is not assignable to type ‚readonly Book[]‘.
Type ‚null‘ is not assignable to type ‚readonly Book[]‘


@Input() books: ReadonlyArray = [];


@Input() books: ReadonlyArray<Book> | any = [];

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